membership options

The AWFA welcomes individuals throughout Australia to join our association, we have two levels of membership available Members and Associates, details below.

Member Benefits

Eligible for the AWFA representative squads.

The AWFA has entered teams in the
the Asia Pacific Walking Football Cup, Pan Pacific Masters Games 2022, and the Super Master World Cup.

Entry fees for selected AWFA events.

Help and support. Through AWFA’s network of contacts we will help players connect with clubs and walking football sessions locally, interstate and internationally.

Eligible to hold office in the association and to vote in AWFA elections and other maters arising.

Discounts and subsidies when representing the AWFA at walking football events, as and when agreed by the committee.

Discounts & offers from Association Sponsors & Affiliates

Associate Member Benefits

Associate membership is aimed at players who generally do not wish to travel to events and partners of players who like to attend events. Associates enjoy the same benefits as Members except for the following:

Members have first rights to participate in AWFA Representative Squads, Associates will be offered any remaining places.

Associates are not eligible to hold office in the association or to vote.

Membership fees

Membership fees are due on 1st January each year

Members $50 per calendar year

(New Members $95 inclusive of joining fee)

Associate Members Fee $25 per calendar

(New Associates $75 inclusive of joining fee)

Founding Members Fee $25 per calendar year

Affiliation options

The AWFA welcomes walking football clubs and teams throughout Australia to affiliated with our association. Please contact us to discuss.